SAD..Seasonal affective disorder.. how do you northern guys deal with it?

I've been in the PNW for 20 years after spending most of my life in Colorado (which gets about 300 days of sun a year). Talk about climate shock! Surprisingly, I found I could avoid gloomy weather issues by nature. At the moment, it's been a week since I even saw the sun, and it's likely to be another week plus before it comes back again. Non-stop rain and drizzle. The super short days don't help any either, with maybe 8 hours of daylight this time of year. I fight it by spending as much time as possible outdoors. At the moment it's just dropping the finest mist so I will be heading out shortly to scoop up the cubic yards of crap the nice roof man pushed off my shop and throw it in the burn pile.

An indoor tip that may help is to have lots of BRIGHT light. I moved to LED's a while ago, and they really make a difference. I haven't tried a happy light but my GF is going to so we'll see if that helps her. After dark I usually head to the shop since it's lit up like a runway. Nice and bright in there, get the heater going, turn on the tunes, pour an adult beverage, and get to work. I'll be pulling the slant out of the D-150 for a new timing chain when the sun goes down.