the truth/opinions about cams

Simply make a GOOD choice with either the old or new tech and the engine will perform fine. A 100% street driven engine does not NEED the modern grinds. Can it benefit? Of course. But who wants a noisy valve train all "that" can create? Some don't mind, but some do. I know I would had I chosen a hydraulic camshaft. Yes, there's a time and place for everything. I agree. The modern grinds surely have their place and work very well, but to make a blanket statement that ALL old school grinds cannot run well is plain stupid. Stop it.

Glad you brought this up Rusty, because I hear this all the time. My cam, with those lobes, lashes at .014/.016 hot.

It is exceptionally quiet. In fact, I've had some HR engines make more noise.

FWIW, I never said a word about lash noise when I bought the cam. That tight lash was just what I got. It's very quiet for what it is.