Great writeup on Dynamic Compression

It’s pretty much everything when you consider it is part of the combo that will make or break the combo. Not enough, dog outta the hole, crap torque. To much, Detonation City! When the pressure is right, it makes the cam very efficient in what it is designed to do and perform in. And the cams timing events playa huge huge part in this.

This is why AJ writes freakin novels that include the cylinders dynamic compression. He graciously did a bit of work for myself and yellow rose on out cams. It is interesting to see how stuff works and how it is effected by seemingly the tiniest of things.

2*’s on the cam as installed is big. Lobe Separation angle of 2° can be extremely huge! This is why people go nuts on cams. And it is never a constant. You just can say *** will do the trick because it won’t! If your experience enough, you could probably make that call and have a great result. There are online calcs that can make you semi smart.....

It would be cool if that work AJ did could be added to this thread. That was very cool and it helps explain a lot.