My answer to Oregon's plastic bag ban.

Littering is bad business all 'round. Have you ever observed how some folks litter? Interesting demographics there.

My pet peeve is with those who open their car doors in parking lots and even in traffic when stopped at stop lights and drop their trash right onto the pavement. Obviously, they know better or they wouldn't attempt to be sneaky with their littering. Yet they feel entitled to use the world as their garbage dump. Can't be bothered to put their trash in a bag and drop it in the trash can at home or the refuse can outside the next place they stop. Or in a dumpster down the road. Nope...... They gotta trash the place they are at so it looks like the place they came from.

Illegals litter differently. They just throw it out the passenger side window into the roadside ditch. Especially soiled disposable diapers. Yuk! Well, at least they don't dump it onto the pavement and don't attempt to be sneaky about it. 70 MPH and out the window it goes. Bada bip bada boom!

Don't get me started,
