Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well here I am still awake. Enjoyed the game (GO CHIEFS) and Cheryl needed something from the store. I headed out the front door took two steps and hit the fresh unknown ice. My feet went straight out from under me. With a lot of military and law enforcement combative tactics training over the years your taught how to fall and land. When I felt my feet slide out all that training automatically kicked in. In a split second I landed, falling about four feet to the sidewalk landing on my left side. All was good except that the left side of my head hit the edge of the concrete porch on the way down.
As I laid there a moment I could feel the warm oozing blood down the side of my face. I tried to roll over but couldn't get my right arm or leg to respond, wouldn't move. I laid there took a deep breath and hollered for Cheryl. She hear me calling her name, and thought I'd forgotten something. She opened the door and saw me lying there bleeding and I got the WTF!!
She asked if I could roll over and I told her I couldn't move. I told her to call it for help!! By the time she went in to get her phone and come back I regained feeling in my arm and leg and was able to sit up. She brought me a towel to put on my head wound and was talking to the 911 dispatcher. Funny neither one of us panicked. After a couple minutes I was able to stand and walk into the house, waiting for the fire medics to arrive.
Fire medics came in and with one look said that's gotta hurt. I told them a little explaining I had a high pain tolerance. They had an ambulance for transport on the way. I told them to cancel and we'd drive to the ER. So off we went, no I wasn't driving. I went right to the front of the ER line with a closed head injury. Well the gunshot victim beat me out. Funny, nurse daughter, on call for the surgery team, was called in for the gunshot victim. She did manage a quick check on Dad on her way to surgery. ER Doc had me do some brain injury function checks, concussion check, CT scan, and I was released.
I'm suppose to take it easy for the next few days. I feel ok, but sure I'll be sore. I have a very large palm size goose egg on the back left side of my head. I bled all over the place, but no stiches required.
Cheryl is going to stay home tomorrow and keep an eye on me. I told her she did a great job, calm and cool, and I appreciated all she did!! All is good life goes on.
Jeez Craig, sounds awful, also sounds like you were lucky it's not worse. Hope you heal up quickly..,...