
:) Hi, Doug! Great to hear from you!

I can understand your frustration with wanting to discontinue the pain meds as well as with the current trend to not prescribe opiods...... Even to those people who legitimately need them for pain management.

Seems like the pendulum swings too far one way (over prescribing them) and now too far the other way (under prescribing them)...... Even when those experiencing high levels of chronic pain may benefit from their use under a doctor's supervision.

The best thing I can suggest is that you work with doctors you have confidence in and trust their judgement in these matters. Make them aware of how well the meds are working and any side effects you may experience with them. If you desire a 2nd opinion, get one.

If your doctor feels that you should stay on the pain meds and the Gabapentin and you agree with that decision, then do so. If your new pain management unit allows them to decrease your dosage of pain meds, work with them to find what dosage works best for you. And when the day comes to discontinue these medications, by all means, do this under your doctor's supervision.

Best regards,
