Stop in for a cup of coffee

I never reported the physical assault to corporate HR, just to the plant manager and general manager... They 'handled it' by making the guy give me a half assed apology...

I talked to the police station today and if I was to proceed to press charges, I would have to cover the court costs... :wtf: :bs_flag:

Not worth pursuing....

I would rather pursue them for wrongful termination and the injury that I sustained... I was hurt twice there while I was there, the most recent one a pulled back, but the other one was a major injury that I had two and half years ago and didn't go to the doctor to find out... I just found out about it when I choked in Sept and it showed up on my x-ray...
Yeah gotta love Illinois. I’d wait to see if they try to fight your unemployment claim. My guess is they will. At that point, I’d try to slam them