It's your dime.

^We had one of those at my hometown city hall^. They must have had it adjusted "perfectly" because there was no way to diddle it, other than pop the caps and suck them dry with a straw. The two years between graduation and leaving for the U.S. Navy, I was the graveyard "radio operator" for the local city PD. In those days (this was a small town), EVERYBODY was on one low band VHF channel, around 39 mhz. These used a full size whip somewhat shorter than a "big" CB whip, about 6 ft high. There were several small towns, three counties, and part of the Idaho SP on this freq. "You could hear everything" lol

Unfortunately, I spent a short period being nearly addicted to diet Pepsi "back then." What was it originally, saccarin? One of the radio stations played Bill Cosby records. There was usually not that much cookin' around there at night.

What used to be city hall Library was top floor most of the right side of photo. Firemen's crew quarters was above the doors on the left of photo. I worked in the window just left of the walk in door, and the two windows left of that were fire chief's office. Lower windows to right of photo and out to rear of photo were city administration