About the Windows 7 support expiration.

Trail and other smart guys,
So, I have totally resisted the change from Win 7 on my 2 desktops for one simple reason- Windows Media Center! I cut the cord 10 years ago with Media Center, a Hauppagge WinTV card, built my own desktops with big *** RAID d drives to use as a DVR and have been happy to have my music, Tv, movies etc. all in one box. Now Windows didn’t won’t put it on Win10, and have announced they are ending the channel guide, so I feel screwed. I tried Ubuntu on an old PC one time with Kodi? as a media center, forget which front end I used, ended up punting the whole ****, the whole front end, back end UNIX mumbo jumbo was a bit too geeky for me. Thoughts?