Cam grinder/manufacturer opinions

you should be fine with a hands on grinder
a little food for thought
I've posted on trying to compare a tight lash cam to a 30-30 when both are speced at .020

Post by CamKing ยป Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:39 pm

This is Why since 1979, we have never used a .020" duration number to classify our cams.
We use the actual seat duration(Hot Lash divided by rocker ratio).
Tight lash or loose lash, it doesn't matter.
When we say we're giving you a 296 seat duration cam, the valve will be open for 296 degrees. Our 296 degree tight lash, will keep the valve open the same amount of time as our 296 degree loose lash.
This makes it easy to compare all of our profiles.
With all the different lash's and different acceleration rates, the .020" number is useless.
Mike Jones
Jones Cam Designs

Denver, NC
[email protected]

I don't use .050 much for the same reason-.200 works for me
but I have access to a camdoc to get the seat to seat- etc