Cam grinder/manufacturer opinions

Don't sweat all that stuff. Just like the Speedmaster heads everybody talks all their voodoo talk about. You're not going to wipe a lobe:rolleyes: just don't do anything wrong like over tighten something... Put some good break in oil and like pen grade like I did and use a drill with the tool and spin up the oil pressure both sides and the rockers where you see oil coming out of the right side and the left side. Sticker distributor in there and get it started and up to speed. I've done it so many times it's just ridiculous now to even think that something's going to happen... Actually just get ready to enjoy the moment...:thumbsup:..
Nice, encouraging post. :) Not to show a neg story, but Uncle Tony (whitepunkonnitro here) lost 2 cams back to back in his Bottle Rocket 318. I'm following that build. There are some super neat things he's done in that project. I took the bait on that car hook, line and sinker.