Roadtrip to Roadkill Zip Tie Drags 2020

Can’t resist one funny Luckenbach story. Prior to thieving tourists, the outside wall of the old store that did not face the road had bout 20 steel traps hanging on it. One of my drunk friends and I got the bright idea to “set” the traps. About an hour later, a group of bikers rolled in and went to that side of the building to be obnoxious. Within 5 minutes we heard “snap!” After that, about six more quick snaps and a bunch of hollering and whining, we all walked around to see what happened. Several of the bikers had been shoving each other around and one got his pony-tail in a trap, then a hand, and then his buddies rushed over and started getting various parts in the traps. Getting them out was funny as hell, but would not admit to setting the traps.