DC tac hook up..?..

so why don't you try and add something...

That one on EBay looks nice and less than 200 bucks look like a deal.
But buying at a swap meet is a much better deal. because you can look at it.

These dist are ancient, and the biggest worry, for me, would be the tach drive.
It has to be some kind of a worm gear attached to the shaft. I would be looking for excessive play in that area.

And for the Record. I didn't buy a 1000 dollar carb and all the parts i replaced to find the problem was nowhere near a 1000 dollars and i now own two carbs.:icon_fU:
I have four carbs for my dual quads but I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China..
Yeah that kind of got me concerned as well I get the distributor and then I got to find the right generator and then all this stuff has to work nice and flawlessly...
I would much rather just have some kind of conversion and run the tachometer in a more modern way..