Weight loss and perseverance

This study shows a link between Metabolic Syndrome (MS) and hair loss. It appears that regaining your hair means that you are becoming metabolically healthier.
Androgenetic alopecia, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance: Is there any association? A case–control study

In the present study, mean value of fasting serum insulin was significantly higher in AGA (androgenetic alopecia) cases than in the control group. ... Insulin is found in hair follicles and may play a role in the regulation of androgen metabolism and the hair growth cycle, which are relevant to the loss of scalp hair in male-pattern baldness. ... IR (Insulin Resistance) plays a pathogenetic role in the miniaturization of hair follicles. Vasoactive substances associated with endothelial dysfunction in IR lead to microcirculatory disturbance, perifollicular vasoconstriction, and proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the vascular wall. ... Our results showed that MS-positive cases tended to have an early-onset AGA, an observation previously reported. This finding may support the hypothesis that early AGA could be a clinical marker of IR. ... In the present study, waist circumference was the most significant risk factor for developing MS.

In summary, MS is significantly associated with AGA particularly, early-onset alopecia. IR is mostly the underlying pathologic mechanism.