Stop in for a cup of coffee

how bout the Cleveland Indians, or the Atlanta Braves ???
Or the Boston Celtics! I'm so personally offended by that one.

Tallest mountain in Maryland, overlooking Deep Creek Lake, USED to be Negro Mountain. But certain people were offended and now the sign along Rt 68 has been taken down. Evidently they found out the name of the person it ws named after and I guess it's supposed to be renamed after him. In all fairness, I think they should have to find out the name of the big Injun and the new German and rename Big Injun Mountain and New Germany mountain, that are on either side of it.

And I want to go to the rally to ban the 13-star colonial American flag and ban all revolutionary war reenactments 'cuz part of the conflict responsible for the revolution was British opposition to slavery in the colonies.

And ban the Dutch and Portuguese flags 'cuz most of the slave traders were from there.

And take down the statue of Peter Stuyvesant in the Village 'cuz he was governor of the slave port New Amsterdam and he was an avid anti-semite.

Ban everything! Ban history!