Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I am second guessing my position on removing tail stripe and putting another one on. Appears they are difficult to get right. Enlarge attached pix and you can see the disparity between sides. I fear I am just being anal, but it is bugging the crap out of me. Just not sure I can do any better?

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Yes those stripes are difficult to get right...

The best way to install them is to use a soap and water solution before applying the stripe... Put two or three drops of liquid dish soap into the spray bottle and fill the rest with water... Make sure surface is clean, wet wipe and then dry wipe the surface... Then spray the surface with soap/water solution and then apply the stripe... For a stripe that large, once you get it in the proper location, start in the middle with a flat scraper (a bondo spreader works great for this), using the thin edge of the scraper to squeegee the soap water solution out from thee center out... If there are any small "bubbles" in the sticker/stripe, use a pin to poke a hole in the stripe where the bubble is and then squeegee the water out with the bondo spreader...

Plus you want the surface of the car to be warm... 50°- 90° for the adhesive to stick well... I would target the surface temp to be 70° - 90° and the part to be similar 70° - 90° temp... You don't want the sticker to be cold when you apply it or the adhesive/glue won't stick as well...