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I don't buy enough anymore to justify the extra cost. The 2 day shipping would be nice though.
yeah, I was anti-amazon until i got a free year when I went back to school for my MBA. they give students prime for 1 year free, than 60% off for the time they're in school. We still buy most stuff locally though, only order of Amazon for stuff we cant find local. But some of the big stuff, or anything that out of stock locally, we can save tons with amazon.

but mostly, I use Prime for their video streaming. I cut directtv, which saved me 150 bucks a month. so for 100 bucks a year, I'm getting tons of channels via amazon plus free shipping plus saving money on the items(sometimes). so saving what, 1200 a year, plus the 400 off the quarter panel shipping and another 150 off the roll bar shipping, I've paid for prime for many years.