Adding 22 cubes,,, power increase? 528 to 550

Damn you need a 4 link. No way is a 30 inch anything ever going to correct. Even if you valve the shocks so it takes two cranes to pull them apart, that short, high IC is killer.

I'd bet everything I have your car with your power would want an IC 2-4 inches off the ground (who knows...if you have 50% or more on the rear axle you may need a 0 or even a minus IC height) and at least 108 inches out. Again, could be longer depending on weight distribution.

At your level 48% on the rear axle is miles better than 50%.
I am currently at 47 % on the rear with a 106 wheelbase. I know the 30 inchers are way too short, but I am below the neutral line at 5 1/2 inches off the ground. So, I am considering going to a fourlink but not right away.