Head Bolt, Stud Torque Tech Tip - Importance of a proper washer - Interesting

Well, look at the washer under the bolt for the damper... it is as thick as it is for one reason only: To not distort when you put that 135 ft lbs of torque on the bolt. You can only do so much in terms of strength increase with hardening.

You're probably right....I'd think any compression problems would show up in how the material is distorted nearby. Seems like the 'pad' would become shaped something like the top of a glass soda-pop bottle if is did.

Having that lathe is great... I hope I can follow you soon. I'll see your lathe and raise you a mill LOL

I always just lightly hit it with an impact or a couple swings of a 2lb sledge on the braker bar. Never come off till they're told to.