Tailshaft bushing removal/install

Sounds like familiar symptoms. Thanks for the advice. What bushing/supplier did you go with?
I believe all the kits available probably use the same manufactured bushings, seals,etc. I used a kit from a company called Phoenix Trans Parts. I have a 1969 - 904. I chose them because they were the only place that included the correct housing seal with dust boot for my year transmission. I’m happy with the kit, it was cheaper than anything else available. But, didn’t include correct size accumulator seals for my year. No big deal. I bought an aftermarket accumulator piston with seals for around $18 and it was perfect. And it still equaled less than competitor kits. It cost about 70 - 80 dollars into completely rebuilding it, total. I also bought a new larger capacity pan with a drain for another $50.
Total cost, $130 compared to a professional transmission shop would have been between 1000 - 1200. I probably invested 4-8 hours of total time over a week. Cleaning valvebody, etc included in that time.