Who makes good paint?

Well no Rustoleum on my car but I put a little Acrylic or Urethane hardener in it and it doesn't take days to dry. I had quite a bit leftover different brand hardeners kicking and use them. My house railings dried in 12 hours. Good on a steel Bulkhead too! Just mix what you need or you'll be throwing away the whole can!
I'm talking spray bombs here.
I know it definitely fades out over time, but I wonder if you put some kind of clear on it if it would last at all..............
Professionals will hate me for this, but I once painted a '83 Ford Ranger 4X4 with Tremclad spray bombs, and it looked awesome for the first 3 months or so until it started fading.
It was quick, easy, and cheap. (about 30 bucks.)
And it looked a lot better than the faded original paint with rust scabs all over it.
The truck was a winter beater anyway, so I had nothing to lose.
It was a two coat wonder, and after two years the paint wasn't falling off, it just faded out to a semi gloss.
I scuffed it good with scotchbrite pads, masked it with newspapers, and painted it.
I did it in about 4 hours.
Even pressure washing it didn't make the paint come off in that time.
I'm convinced that Tremclad (Rustoleum) would stick to anything like **** to a wool blanket............lol