Thank You FABO Members

I make up stuff all the time; if I didn't the wife would be after me to fix her stuff all day. I ain't got time for that. I'm coming 67 this summer and my time is running out. I mean you know; 70 years,80 if by reason of good health. Since I'm healthy I guess I'm staring at 13 more years ........ if the world lasts that long.
My dad died in 2010. It hasn't really hit me yet. Well, I had a moment in 2012 I think it was. No, I'm not heartless, we were just on different tracks. He was between agnostic, and atheist. I am a both-feet-in Believer and a flat-earther to boot. Hallelujah,praise GodAlmighty who keeps me strong, and free from sickness and disease, and heals me of the attacks of the devil; hang-on, did I say that out loud? You got my number.