
I've seen first hand what asbestos can do to a person. My dad worked in the insulation trade form the mid 1950's to 1980 covering pipes, boiler,etc.
in construction settings. Yes he did smoke also, but quit on doctors orders.
He died at age 59 in 1982. It was hard watching him basically suffocate to death from Asbestosis.
He never got Mesothelioma though.

Asbestos is a nasty baster it's got little barbs on it that when breathed in hang on to the walls of the air sacks in lungs an calcify so the oxygen can't be transfer to the blood. It also hardens the lungs so they can't expand like they should.

The thing is they knew what it did long before they let it be known to the public. It was cheap.
It could be mined with little manufacturing needed.
Sorry for the rant!
I saw this and brought back memories of watching my strong healthy dad slowly whither away.

Take care everyone! I hope you or your families never have to experience this!
I have to go and wipe the tears away.