Looking thru the lens...

This past year I have seen some things while taking pictures at a few different tracks. Lots of shots with folks with their eyes closed while launching, several folks look like they are snarling at the tree, folks whose eye glasses are airborne as they are launching. Fuel spraying out of cars. Several vehicles peeing as they launch. Caught a guy whose rear U-joint was failing...could see the needle bearings glowing red as they were falling towards the track. Several shots of cars heading right at me. Then there is this guy. Every pass I caught shots of him he would let car of the t-brake button and then use that hand to close his visor....1DX27954.jpg
Another one. The visor in Brandons wagon is loose...every launch he flips it back up out of the way. If you look close you can see the motor peeing a bit of water...and the "dingle-berry" as I call it on the rear axle...the vent tube is flapping...
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...and one of my favorite cars....this is pretty much how every launch looks...
I believe at this point it was still climbing......