Engine build on the brain

Nm9 68 is what I got from the head guy. The heads were surfaced and work done to the bowls. I can't guarantee they are all equal
Thanks for running the numbers. I'll remember to post the inputs along with what I'm getting. I was using 0.00 deck height because I didn't what it would be or how to figure it.
I haven't put a lot of time into the cooling side but I did eead some write ups on a Mercedes radiator and fan swap. I might be wrong on the Mercedes part but looked like something that would work.
While we are talking cooling it was recommended to do a partial block fill to help keep it together. My concern there is the partial fill will hurt me in cooling
Wyrm I took a quick glance at those pistons and they all drop compression. I'm gonna go back snd try to figure out what you're saying