Dumping your loved ones ashes on the dragstrip: RESPECT

I'm not stating any names in this story.
Some years ago a very good friend of mine passed away after a long and brave fight with kidney cancer. He loved all types of racing but especially drag racing.
At the time he passed, he owned a fairly famous historic dragster that he'd restored and ran. His favorite event was the California Hot Rod Reunion.
The year following his passing, his family, some good friends from out of state and my wife and myself took his car to exhibit in his honor at the CHRR. We towed his car down the fire-up road with one of his friends steering the dragster and dumping some of his ashes out through a hole in the floorboard.
When we knew he was terminal, I had bought a tree in his name in the grove at Famoso. The following evening we dug a hole at the tree and buried the rest of his ashes per his final wishes.
His dog passed the next year and her ashes joined his at the next CHRR.
His favorite drink was Diet Dr. Pepper so each year while attending the CHRR he gets a can poured under his tree.
You ought to see how that tree has grown over the years!