360 Crankshaft

Nice work. Did you just polish the journals and call it a day or did you have to polish the rest of the crank for that finish?

Polished the crankshaft with the typical 1" wide emery cloth, and followed up with Crocus Cloth for the final finish. Excellent final smooth finish.

Polished up the remaining counter weights with Scotchbrite Scuff Pads and WD-40, with final wipe and polish cotton cloths. They cleaned up real easy because the Vinegar Dunk loosened everthing up right down to the bare cast.

Also to do a good uniform polishing job I made up a 2 Vee platform out of 2x8's with felt pads to set the main journals on, while rotating the crankshaft at a very slow speed during the polishing operation.

Brand New . . .