68 Barracuda 440 getting hot in traffic

I have Contour fans wired for full-speed only, and when they kick on the temp gauge starts dropping quickly. It remains to be seen if I have enough radiator for a hot summer day but it does great in 60 deg weather :)

I did note that if the fans are turned off, the blades and the shroud does demonstrate some restriction (temps slowly climb even at a steady 30 mph cruise). It doesn't have "flaps" that can be opened by the incoming airstream.

Interesting! What does the rest of your cooling system look like- radiator, water pump, thermostat?

My car runs right at the thermostat temp (180) if I’m doing 30 or more and it’s under 90 degrees out. Never had an issue with the temp climbing if I’m moving at speed unless it’s pretty hot out. My fans pretty much only run if I’m stopped or stuck in traffic. And wired with both speeds I run almost exclusively on the low speed. I’ve only had the high speed kick on when it was 105 or better and I was in the city catching all the lights.