273 Build

Woah! Nice hot rod!
Work has FINALLY started back up again. The guy, Bob, who has done most all the work on this car, well in the past 7 years, his wife had breast cancer, she also had to have her one knee replaced, Bob had open heart surgery, then major kidney problems, then he had/has depression, lost alot of strength, then he fell in his garage, and really messed up his right shoulder, and has finally admitted to himself that he needs help in finishing this project. The good news is, is that work has started, and it's a good possibility that it will be finished for this Summer events. It's nice to hear of progress. It's just too bad, that this is a couple of years too late for Olga to see and ride in this car. It was being built to show her, just what it takes to make one of these streetrods.