How to read carb calibration chart?

Sorry about that I took a second look and yes the vacuum advance so you just have probably in the neighborhood 14 degrees centrifical and you may need even a little bit more initial to get the total timing. Personally I time it for all in and let it back off to what it's going to be for initial. If it's too far out then I start working on widening the curve in the distributor... Meaning of longer-distance I'm timing between initial and all in....
Also once in a great while you'll get something clogged and one of your and let's to your floats and that needle and it allows gas to flood in at all times and makes things extremely rich.. blowing black smoke running terrible and smelling terribly like gas.. check your float needles for trash... I can imagine if they wouldn't close and you're just getting a constant overflow of gas in your carburetor would set off everything...