Repairing a plastic grill

If you can find a parts grill that is busted all to pieces for dirt cheap, buy it! Then take plastic pieces from the same area you want to repair, and scrape shavings off of that piece into a cheap glass dish. Then add a little bit of Acetone to the shavings and mix it up till it makes a gooey paste. You can then apply that goop to the V'ed out crack, and dab it into the V. Let it dry and then carefully sand it down smooth. Use the same method to reattach your broken off tabs. If you do it right, it won't bust back loose. Experiment on some pieces of the parts grill if you find one.

I edited my post to read "Acetone" instead of Toluene, because Mtrhead jogged my memory and he is correct. I guess too much paint thinner made me remember the wrong paint