well, couple of things i notice
for starters, their roads are NARROW (for our standards)
just look at the cars you see there, they would consider a volkswagen jetta a full size car, and a passat a large car
it would be tricky trying to drive a full size pick up there, let alone a fire truck

in the Netherlands (where this is recorded) they do not have the same laws regarding first responders as we in the US have. if i remember correctly all you are required to do is yield to them at intersections
that is you see them driving and everyone just going about their merry way, instead of pulling over to the side like you and i would do

as for the "sidewalk" in the first video, that is actually a bicycle lane, the actual side walk is further off to the right still
you can tell in the second video (it looks like the follow the same route for the first few minutes)
must be the time of day and the weather, but in that second video you can see a ton of bikes