Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's a good point, neighbor was talking about "being scared". I leave them on sometimes for deterrent, we both have nightstand buddies and are not afraid to use them lol! Neighbors have already told me of crack heads looking at mailboxes out here (that's why I'm getting a good mailbox). Might have to shoot one of those jack asses one day, and yes light them up!
We have had yard decor taken from the front yard before. When the kids were small I would decorate the crap out of the yard for year we walked outside Christmas morning and all 5 of the blow ups I put out were running but deflated...some *** clown walked by and slit every one of them...I WAS....I AM STILL PISSED ABOUT THAT!!!! Thank God the wife's grandma used to make quilts and she sewed them right up...Also had some dipshit put a hole in my pool liner with a broad head arrow. I didnt find the arrow but, that perfect X pattern perfectly placed in the lower corner of the liner so all the water would drain out was a dead give away...