I grew up in a motorhead family.

One thing I have noticed ( OK so more than 1 thing) is that as I age, I think back to the old memories of everything in life, more. hat good is life without memories?

My first car back in '62 was a 49 hand me down Chevy. I still wonder what dad and I could have made of it hotrod wise?? He was against drag racing, speed and stupid me wrapping my car and myself around some tree!

Dad started out a young man learning of mechanics during the Great Depression, then into a career in the USMC Aviation Corp, WW11 and Korea. He left the service a broken man, mentally. I was 7 then in 1955. He had little desire to do anything related to mechanicals, auto or aviation. . His interest went back to is youth and the farm, agriculture.

I wish many times he and I could have built a hotrod.

If I live another 10 days, I will be 72.

Damn, I miss my dad.