Am I color blind?

OK, I bought a dash mat for my 02 Ram pickup from CarCover USA. My truck has dark gray interior. So I ordered a "charcoal" colored dashmat, over a black one, because I thought the contrast might be too stark. Anyway, they sent me a light gray cover with dark gray edge basting. The light gray color dash mat reflects light onto the windshield which is distracting, the light gray color looks really boring, and the dark gray edging looks especially stupid. So I complained that they sent me the wrong color, including pictures, and they are completely gaslighting me. They say that I have the charcoal color mat, even though it doesn't come close to matching their color samples on the online ordering page. They offer about 10 different colors including gray, charcoal, and black. So what say you, is this cover charcoal, or light gray?

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