Sacramento County ban on home “major auto repair”

Sounds like your responsible, for what you have behind the fence.
That's good that you have fencing, to hide the cars.
Around here, in the design of the homes, the way property is, no fencing like that for the driveways, to hide cars.
Looking at a eyesore, every time i open my door, and look at a junker sitting there, just degrades the neighborhood.
If code enforcement rules like there are aren't enforced, it's like a cancer, that somebody else see's it being done, and then it's whack a mole all over again.
If i want to see junk cars, i pay two bucks to get into the local Pick-N-Pull wrecking yard, at the end of the city, not in a neighborhood driveway.
For me, i'm glad that our code enforcement keeps on top of "issues" that crop up around here.
They do a good job.
You seem to like this law....More government involvement must suit you. I suppose you'd be in favor of the government imposing on your parts sales business, requiring you to get a business license , a valid EPA impact report on the effect that your brake parts restoration has on the neighborhood? You'd surely be in favor of them requiring you to pay taxes on every sale and to contribute to a fund to support low income citizens like the phone utilities do ?