Sacramento County ban on home “major auto repair”

West Sacramento, eh.
You in a newer development, or area of town that's more industrial, what Wast Sac. is noted for?
You allowed to do heavy work in your front driveway, where your at?
What this is all about, in plain view.

I do plenty of work on my cars in my driveway, but as others said, at the end of the day, garage doors are shut with no sign of anything from street view. This thread isn't all about you. If you read the zoning code referenced in the original post, it has no mention of 'plain view.' It prohibits "major repair and maintenance of personal vehicles" in a residential estate, regardless of where it's done on the estate. To me, if it's cleaned up at the end of the day behind a garage door, who cares. Again, my views have nothing to do with your situation. Couldn't care less what happens in your hood.