My 69 Dart "AKA" The Blue Mutt

Starting to at least feel like Im seeing daylight, got a few things done this weekend, probably the biggest thing is I got started on cutting the seats down on one of the heads, I've ended up well beyond what I was going to do to the motor, now I've since changed my goals and hoping that the extra money and effort turn out to be a blessing instead of dead money.

Got the leaf springs cleaned up and added a coat of paint, got my new speedo gear installed after cleaning the fink off the housing, had to clean up the garage a bit, floor space had become a premium with all the parts laying around so they all went in the trunk. The head I worked on I cut the seats down to where they will all be installed within .002 tolerance of the 1.7" spring height recommended by Comp Cams, took several hours to do so I know now when I get started next weekend what I can expect to do, also chased all the threads and lapped the valves. I also got my ebrake cable bracket mounted and my rear shock bolts mounted, the hole was wallowed out so I had to fab a mounting plate to get them in, will add a weld to them once I burn the gas out and can have plenty of ventilation. I'm sure considereing after today paying to have the gears changed by someone instead of myself, tax return will be just enough to cover it, or get the grill that got posted on here yesterday

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