360 street cam for 'the usual upgrades'

what prh said about stepping down one size with the voodoo
but what Rusty said about the voodoo being better than any comp grind
the quieter mentioned is clue
The h line is even older than the xe line at comp
the Xe and voodoo were both designed by the same designer years apart with his experience with ultradyne in the middle
during that time he added additional polynominals to his design and more paramaters to his poynominals and a more powerful computer
Lunati sells two versions of his designs for mopar billets
one is the same as the Chevy design- it out performs the comp chevy grind- I forget what they call it
the mopar version is the Voodoo line and they outperform the chevy profiles
As said, easy to use too much spring- like Hughes
cut the guides for viton seals
do it right

I wasn't aware that harold actually ever worked for Comp. My thoughts were that they basically copy catted his grinds. Was he actually on the payrole at one time?