Johnson Roller Lifters

Mid upper rpm with a solid roller is plenty feelable in the snapping of your neck when you goose the throttle.

50% operator, 30% spring pressure is wrong
...20% oil.


I agree except 70/10/20 is how I see it.

The number one cause of cam failure is not getting the engine up and running. The other operator issue is not verifying that the lifter rotates in the bores correctly.

I'm on the fence between SFT and SR because I'm not a fan of SR lifters on a street deal, unless the operator is willing to do maintainance on them. As the operator of my junk, I'm getting old enough I don't want to work on it that hard. I paid my dues more than once.

I'm leaning to a mushroom lifter deal if I can get the lift where I think it should be (net .700 is about what I think I going to need to be) and do it relatively reliably. If not, it's a solid roller and Crane Pro Series lifters.