Shopping for a comfy soft top 4 seat convertible with a stick. Opinions?

I have worked on beamers for 7 years. They are good for about 100 K. Then oil leaks to no end. It is not a 10 minute fix either. Then they always have tranny issues. Also electrical issues. I absolutely do not recommend them. Kim

Tell that to my rich single uncle lol... he LOVES driving around in flashy BMWs but I guess he has enough money to put up with the obscene repair and maintenance costs and he usually trades stuff in every 3-5 years like the typical modern American. Needless to say he's not big on wrenching and we have vastly differing opinions on what makes a car "good" LOL. I'd give him a LOT more crap about it too but he is my uncle and it's kind of our "family culture" not to disrespect the older generations. So I bite my tongue every time he makes an FB post about how much he loves his new Beamer (barf lol)