Not best, but optimum Transmission?

FWIW; I got it when you first said it. And I have used the same terminology so, IMO, yur in good company.
It's the same way I mix 2-cycle gas; as 4% instead of 25:1.. If the tank only holds say 700 ml; I put 600 gas and 4% oil =28mls of oil. It cannot be any simpler.
Yet customers get so caught up in the method, I have to explain it almost every time.
It's like the
1260 days/ 42 months/ 3.5 years end-times tribulation period. Last week I heard a pastor say the tribulation started in 1975.... well waitaminute, that's 45 years ago,lol. I'm outtahere.

You put too much oil in that tank for 25:1...600ml of gas needs 24ml of oil not your poor weed eater is running cannot be any simpler