Aussie thinking about buying real estate in USA

Wrong coast!
My old Southern most, Easternmost corner of Georgia, ON THE VERY COAST itself is paradise. Zip codes: 31548, 31547, 31558

Hurricanes don’t hit that dimple into the east coast with ANY significance in recorded history.

Mid-September until as late as May typically have 55-75 degree weather (cool dips at night, around 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the day (22.2222 degrees centigrade).

It is paradise for cruising for 6 months.

No Snow. Humid when it rains. Great fishing-the rivers here are the largest breeding grounds for most Atlantic sharks.
Lots of big game fishing.

Theme parks in Florida are 3-4 hours away.
The Florida side doesn’t have state income tax I believe.

2nd week in February has a cool spell across the U.S., it might get as cold as 49 at night.

The junkyards in rural Georgia still have 1970’s Mopars (from the bumper up usually)

1/4 the COST OF LIVING than California or better. I sold a 4 bedroom house for $160,000 dollars last March. 3 bedroom homes go for around $120K and land out in the country is usually less than 5K an acre, especially once you break past 10 acres or so.

Very affordable! Unregrettable !

No it's not! He said he wants to get AWAY from hot and humid, not get right in the middle of it.