Stop in for a cup of coffee

Alive and well. Training is going very good. International folks left yesterday and stateside are here now. Pic from where I sit right this minute...

And one from yesterday...


Thanks. New site?
Looks old. The mods wont allow mention of purchase or sale in the threads,only in the for sale threads, which in my opinion is poorly set up.
I dont care for the layout,
But after wading through it i find some stuff helpful.
A joke from a very cool friend of mine. Or maybe it's a true story

"I got pulled over once, by nypd...
He took one look at me on my bike, wearing my rag and said, "I bet you don't even have a job"
I do too I said, I'm an asshole stretcher, I make 6 foot assholes for the city...
He said how do you do that...I said well, you start out with a regular Asshole, and you pull and tug and stretch using various equipment until you have a 6 foot asshole...
He said and what the hell does the city do with a 6 foot asshole...I told him
"The give them a badge and a gun and call them cops"!"
Man, I slept crooked Sun-Mon night and have a bad crook in my neck...

It hurt so bad, I layed down early last night... Tried a heating pad and that made it worse... Then tried some ice, icy hot, and took a tramadol and it felt a little better after a while... It hurt bad when I was vertical, so I had to lay down or sit in the recliner and keep the pressure off of it to give the muscles time to rest and heal a little... Still hurts now, but not as bad as yesterday....

I may try the muscle relaxer and anti inflamatory pills that I got from the minute clinic a few months back that I saved for "emergencies" and see if those help any better for today...
Time for a chiro. visit.
I like to check in on Joey's other sites from time to time. I have been switching things over to a new laptop with Windows 10 :BangHead::BangHead:
and I haven't checked in for a few days.
Win 10 is trouble free for me. With a few windows open.....