Any devout Catholics here?

A saint by definition is one who is in heaven. We ask for their prayers to God just like we ask our friends to pray for us in times of need. Their prayers are in God's presence. Why not ask for prayers from those who are in heaven already? They were mortal, now they are dead. Yet, They do have an eternal soul that is in heaven for all time. BTW, it is not just Catholics who have patron saints. Most other religions recognize saints as models of virtue but do not pray for their intercession. Logic would conclude that if you would ask a friend to pray for you, why would you not ask a saint to do so as well. When a Catholic prays to a saint, it is not for the saint to perform anything but rather for the saint to ask God to do so. Nothing prevents anyone from praying to God directly, just like praying directly yourself instead of asking a friend to pray for you. Hope this clarifies instead of confuses.

The bible clearly states , ''the only way to the father is through me'' , and to pray the father in JESUS name , no use praying to anyone else !!
Asking the pope for forgiveness is useless , he cant forgive anyone . And praying to Mary or saints wont be heard either ! CHECK IT OUT !
If this pisses u off , dont get mad at me , GOD said it .