When Vendors don't answer calls, emails, voicemails?

It is frustrating when you cannot get ahold of someone at a business and I don’t order anything from those businesses.

At the same time anyone that disagrees with business owners not wanting to waste their time with the time wasters, solicitors, charities, or people that have no intent on buying anything should answer a business phone for a day. You will quickly be able to distinguish the difference between people that need information to make a purchase and people that want information for some other reason.

I won't buy from a place that doesn't at least return calls or emails either.
The Wife and I own/operate a computer service business, and people would be shocked at how many customers think we are their personal tech support via phone after they have paid us for services.
It's like some people think once they have given you money for a service everything they want after that should be free.

We have a system after a couple of decades.
I NEVER answer the phone, because people want to get free help with emailing a picture (or whatever).
The Wife answers the phone.
If she can't help them (and she does her best to try) then they need a paid appointment with me for picture emailing training. (or whatever)
They only see me when I am getting paid for it.

We have actually gotten calls asking if we know someone that will do onsite service cheaper than us.:rofl: