If you need new A body parts, buy them NOW - the Corona Virus

Further proving the point that you shouldn't be getting all worked up over it.

If many more people carry it than have been confirmed, with no symptoms or minimal symptoms, and the death rate is still VERY low.....

How do you figure that the death rate is low? Does 2% sound like a small number? The common influenza strains kill about 0.1%. The 1918 Flu epidemic was under 2% and that killed 50 million people.

We need to educate each other on this stuff. This is not a hoax. Yes, we’re going to be ok eventually but there’s no vaccine for this...and a lot of people don’t believe in vaccines anymore anyway which is a stupefying thought.

I’m not in my 60s or 70s yet. I have no history of cardiopulmonary conditions, I’ve never smoked...Odds are that I’ll be fine.but I care about people who meet those conditions! I also like to be able to go out in public places without possibly transmitting this incredibly contagious virus to people who are in real danger.

The fatality rate of this virus skews towards those older/sicker demographics but right now there’s a guy in his 40s in critical condition. This is no joke.

What happened to basic social responsibility?! I swear that people are so rotten to each other...we’ve been trained to hate by Fox News and MSNBC. It’s wrecking our country. :mad:

This YouTube channel stays away from scare tactics. The creator is an ICU doctor who calmly and precisely talks about what’s going on. I stumbled across the channel and it has been a source of comfort and harsh reality.

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY