the new Midway

Good terse article.
I love the German hardware, especially the 88 and ME-109. They pretty much invented the shaped charge and assault rifle. The Masters of War at the time...a country roughly the size of Pennsylvania nearly took the planet.

Sorry East Germany was about the size of PA, but you get the point.
The German WWII stuff all had a 'cool' factor to me. The tanks they had 'style' for lack of a better term.. the Panther was a beautiful tank to me. Almost want to get back into military modeling again now, lol.
Technologically, the Germans were so advanced.. the Me262 (which also had that 'cool' factor), the rocketry programs. Luckily it was all mismanaged so badly.
I watched this the other night, if anyone's interested in this stuff. Very cool documentary. Watch it on a big screen with good sound!
Spitfire: The Plane that Saved the World | Netflix