massive reconfiguration time again.

I think this problem might be unique to a dual quad application. Well I think the same thing is everybody else no, the problem is their doors are not opening or barely opening. My thought is that the vacuum signal just getting taken up by not only two primary but having to split what's left between two secondaries??..
I have some options as in just disconnecting the rear secondary function. Also I could spring load those door so they won't open under any circumstance.. if you read that article though they have a 409 and I have a 410 and they're using it in a dual quad application. Like you like dyno's and everything..
I just got my confirmation that my four air doors will be here on Thursday next week so it won't hurt to give it a shot I have plenty to spare..??

I think you are on the right track with adding holes to get some air moving through the doors to get them to open.

I'm thinking your big isn't from too much air and not enough pump shot to cover it, but with double the area of the carbs, I don't think there is enough air flow to get both doors open.

If the doors don't open, you won't get enough air moving through the booster to pull fuel. That's my working theory for now. I resent he right to change my mind like my wife does.

But I think you're on the right track. Can't wait to see how this turns out.