I rest my case. Who has the worst traffic? (Drivers)

Yeah and tonight I had a tractor trailer was the jackass. I was not involved, just behind him for a time. There is an onramp and not much further a ramp off. The truck switched left near the onramp, and then "I guess" he discovered he needed to get off. It is well marked, WTF?? Anyhow, he cut off a guy behind and to his right, then slid right through the right lane and into the off ramp. Good for a ticket, anybody, car or truck, any day

I see plenty of dumb bastard "truck drivers", or more correctly, wannabe truck drivers, riding the *** end of the vehicle ahead at 50 or 60 mph in any weather. By no means does having a CDL make a person a skilled or good driver, especially in the last 20 years or so. 50 or 60 thousand pounds takes a really long time to stop, even longer when it's liquid, ask any tanker driver.